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Archive for September 2016

Friday 30th September: sleep!

Well Zach is now the proud owner of a body that he can control! This week he has rolled over from his tum to his back and from his back to his tum. He has managed to sit unaided for longer and longer. He can drink from the sippy cup all by himself.   It […]

Match.com: a success story

We’re not ashamed to admit that we met on an online dating site. It was actually my son Matthew who inspired me to join up. I was feeling sorry for myself and very definitely unloveable. He told me not to give up (normally I hate it when the kids use my own phrases back at […]

Weaning stage 1

So I’m going through this with Zach at the moment. Before 6 months so I’m expecting the vitriol of the health visitor next time I visit. However, as with breastfeeding, I have come to believe that mum knows best. And by mum, I mean me 🙂 With Matthew, I was all set to follow advice […]