
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Archive for June 2018

Should we ban toy guns and other weapons?

When I was a child I didn’t play with guns. Swords: yes, but never guns. At Zach’s preschool there seems to be a high proportion of boys and every time I visit they are anxious to show me their sticks/constructed StickleBrick guns which are hurriedly transformed to ‘water pistols’ by the staff. Matthew and Anya […]

#GlobalBlogging 66

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to Global Blogging. I hope you have all had a fab weekend! We had a glorious time at the beach! I am very excited to have been invited to join as a host for 2018. This year we have the extra twist that we want to be more active on […]

Strawberries and cream cupcakes

I am a huge tennis fan and it is on my bucket list to go to Wimbledon before I hit 40! Not long to wait until this year’s championships… In the meantime I will be content with the classic flavour of Wimbledon: strawberries and cream! Ingredients 180g caster sugar 3 eggs 180g soft butter or […]

#MySundayPhoto the best things in life are free

We have had such a busy weekend and enjoyed spending time together. The highlights were a walk through fields culminating in crossing the railway line (seeing 2 trains as well!) and climbing a stile for the first time ever. The simple joy of playing on the beach, splashing in water, collecting shells. Perfect…  

#Project365 week 25

The emphasis has been on family this week as we started the week celebrating Father’s Day and ended it visiting Chris’ mum. Day 168: date time! Chris and I have been to the cinema more in the last 6 months than we have in the previous couple of years! Day 169: a family day out […]