
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Archive for June 2018

Wedding Wednesday: should children attend weddings?

Recently I wrote a post about whether children should be allowed to attend funerals. I have never been to a child free wedding and never even considered it as an option for our own wedding this summer. Yet I know that some weddings specify ‘no children’ on the invite. I think I would panic if […]

Mardles: stickers and books that come to life!

A combination of my children’s favourite things: stickers, books and their tablets! As the least technologically savvy person in our house, I was a little bit worried about using an app but it was easy to find in the Kindle store and quick (and FREE!) to download. That’s it! Ready to go! The stickers can […]

#GlobalBlogging 64

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to Global Blogging. I hope you have all had a fab weekend! We had a great start with a trip to the Warner Studio Harry Potter Tour: simply magical! I am very excited to have been invited to join as a host for 2018. This year we have the extra […]

An insider’s guide to being vertically challenged

OK so I am not the shortest person I know (hi, little sister!) but a lot of people tower over my 5 foot 1 and three quarters. Last week on the way to invigilate an exam, I was surrounded by students who were all considerably taller than me and I think they were only about […]

#MySundayPhoto sibling similarities

Zach continues a tradition that Matthew used to have of wearing a woolly hat in sweltering weather! Anya also never dresses appropriately for the weather unless nagged so we get shorts in winter and long sleeves in summer…