
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Archive for June 2019

#Project365 2019 week 23

Day 153: first ever theatre trip for the children and a trip down memory lane for me with Wallace and Gromit’s Musical Marvels Day 154: the children had an inset day so we soaked up some sun by the river opposite our house and they rode their bikes Day 155: my dad gives us tomato […]

A Face in the Crowd, by Kerry Wilkinson

  This book is stunningly good and had me hooked from the first page. We encounter Lucy and Ben in the opening chapter of A Face in the Crowd. He is about to set off on a money making venture that will make their dreams come true. In the next chapter, the narrative has moved […]

#StayClassyMama 34

Hello and welcome to the #StayClassyMama linky. Back to routine and reality: the final half term of the academic year! You may have seen that Zach has broken his wrist so not such a fun ‘break’ for us last week… Please have a read of the rules and make sure you have my badge on […]

May vegan favourites

Another month done and dusted! Let’s have a look back over the vegan highlights of May starting with Blog On: I feel guilty every time about being awkward but Laura and her team are always so helpful. The vegan gluten free cupcakes were fab-u-lous. Plus I rather enjoyed a couple of gin cocktails and a […]

The Child Before, by Michael Scanlon

Irish detective Finnegan Beck is called in to investigate the murder of a young mother and the disappearance of her baby daughter. A horrific crime but with a strong connection to a deserted village where a baby was murdered in the 1950s. Has this baby met the same fate? This is the second book to […]