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Archive for January 2020

Her Daughter’s Cry, by M.M. Chouinard

A woman with no memory stumbles into a shop begging for help. Her clothes are soaked in blood but it isn’t hers. Test results show it belongs to her daughter but the police and the woman have no idea how old the girl or woman is. A search of the area where they think the […]

Her Secret Past, by Kerry Watts

  Jessie Blake faces a double murder scene with the victims’ grandson calmly sat beside one of the bodies eating a sandwich. He has no sign of gunshot residue on his hands so is not the killer, but who is? Could it be Tommy Angus, the couple’s son who was about to be written out […]

#StayClassyMama 66

Hello and welcome to the #StayClassyMama linky. How is your week going? Can any of you even remember Christmas of New Year? Nope, me either… I am thrilled to be joined by new regular hosts, Karen from Cats, Kids, Chaos and Sophie from Mummy of a Square Peg! And we have a new badge! Have you […]

Happy Chinese New Year

The Year of the Rat begins on the 25th January 2020 and since starting preschool, infant and junior school, my children have been involved with Chinese New Year activiites. This revealed how shockingly poor my own knowledge is of Chinese New Year and traditions so I thought I would find out more and share with […]

Burning Island, by Suzanne Goldring

  In 1944 the Jews of Corfu are gathered together ready for deportation. One family has sent their younger children to live with another family. Can any of them survive the Naiz Final Solution? In the present day, James and Amber have left their high powered and highly stressful careers to start up a restaurant […]