
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Archive for January 2020

#DreamTeam 187

Thank you for being so welcoming as I join #DreamTeam with 3 Little Buttons and Navigating Baby as a permanent host, yay exciting! Work is starting to crank up the pressure: how are you this week? Take a look at the rules, add our badge (I’m on it now!) and join us for the Dream […]

Orange and lemon aquafaba cake (vegan and gluten free)

One of my favourite cakes before going vegan was a lemon cake with a sugar glaze crust. I saw it again in my recipe book and realised I hadn’t made it in over a year! I decided to tweak it to make it vegan and also include oranges as we had some looking forlorn in […]

The Man She Married, by Alison James

What a brilliant book! I loved this from start to finish. Alice Palmer meets the charismatic Dominic Gill when they get stuck in a lift together. Their relationship quickly develops and within months they are engaged then married. Alice gets an uneasy feeling and her best friend Jojo is suspicious but Alice is determined to […]

#GlobalBlogging 145

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to #GlobalBlogging! 2020 seems well underway! Did you make any resolutions? If so, how are you getting on? Please encourage your friends to join us by sharing on social media (or send them a DM and insist)! Linkies are a great way to discover new blogs and blogging friends as […]

Glittering Death, by Carmen Radtke

  Safely on dry land after an eventful sea voyage, murder included (see my review of The Case of the Missing Bride), Alyssa Chalmers must negotiate the new direction her life is taking. The group of brides head towards their new potential husbands and Matron weds her onboard love. Rosie made her decision on board […]