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Archive for July 2020

Couch to 5k week 3

Week 3 of the Couch to 5k regime is a weird week as it is EASIER than last week! There is the same amount of running (total 9 minutes) but in bigger chunks, 2 runs of 90 seconds like last week but then 2 runs of 3 minutes. However, to counter this, there is a […]

#StayClassyMama 92

Hello and welcome to the #StayClassyMama linky. It’s the first official day of the summer holidays! What do you have planned? I hope you are all still staying healthy and safe. Thank you for joining us as we try to maintain some normality during this strange year! I am thrilled to be joined by new […]

The Dying Light, by Joy Ellis

  A woman being driven out of her home due to attacks on her property. A relationship on the rocks after a child’s death. A change in career direction for two retired police officers. This is the first of Joy Ellis’ Matt Ballard series that I have read. I was expecting a police thriller but […]

The lost art of reading paperbacks

Last week I read my first paperback in at least a year. I had almost forgotten what it was like to read an actual physical book! (Oh and you can read my review here) I have become utterly dependent on my Kindle app on my phone, so it was refreshing, challenging and enjoyable to hold […]

Before He Kills Again, by Margaret Murphy

A serial rapist is on the loose in Liverpool. DC Cassie Rowan is working undercover to flush out the culprit. But then a body is found: can he be stopped Before He Kills Again? Two men both receiving therapy: has one of them got a secret they aren’t sharing with Dr Palmer? The main character […]