Day 321: I’m shivering indoors and Anya is playing outside without a coat!
Day 322: Zach just won’t keep still this week and learning Russian continues… But the big news is that he pooed on the toilet at last. Goodbye nappies! I’m sure Chris had a tear in his eye with pride and sadness at Zach growing up.
Day 323: a full day of exam invigilation
Day 324: loving my sparkly purple top! Considering it’s my favourite colour, I really don’t have many purple clothes!
Day 325: OK so I don’t allow Christmas until 1st December but sneakily eating Christnas tree shaped tortillas doesn’t count…
Day 326: true love is letting your daughter put the last piece in your puzzle. When I was at uni, my housemates completed a puzzle together and I couldn’t think of anything weirder. In those days I never thought I would go to the toilet in front of anyone, strange how motherhood changes a person!
Day 327: Zach’s first ever invite to a party and he loved it!