Day 108: last day of the Easter holidays and we had an early start with a bike ride at 8am.
Day 109: first school run of the new term and what fantastic weather we had all week!
Day 110: Zach was thrilled when his new Imagimake Mapology sets arrived. He used his birthday money to buy them after spotting them on Youtube.
Day 111: negative covid test, snacks and the TV controls. Average night for me!
Day 112: out after dark! I had a meeting and it felt a little odd to be walking home at night
Day 113: super smiley boy! Zach completed his smiley chart at school and was awardrd this in assembly. Yet another example of the way things have changed due to covid, I would have been invited in to watch him previously 🙁
Day 114: I must admit that the thought of going for a run did not appeal in the slightest. Getting up early on a day when I don’t have to get the kids ready for school or go to work myself was a struggle. But I’m so glad I did it! After an exhausting first week back at school, 3 evening meetings, plus the usual cooking, running around after the kids etc, it was glorious to be alone with my own thoughts (even when there were none!) and cheesy 90s pop music. Goodness: my eyes look tired in this pic though!