2017 was the first time we’d got Christmas jumpers (well, long sleeved tops but I’ll get onto that in a minute!) and we will be reusing the same ones this year as they still fit! Actually, Zach’s was Matthew and Anya’s before him so I have got my money’s worth!
I bought a Christmas jumper for me to wear at Blog On Xmaslast year but I don’t actually wear jumpers as I get too hot! Purple obviously, but I only managed to wear it for a few minutes before sweltering: well, it was September!
Chris is the same and wears t shirts all year round. Thankfully there are lots of Christmas t shirts for men and they go on sale in time for his birthday in December, but why are there none for women??? I spend winter in long sleeved t shirts and cardigans (I’m all about layers!) but haven’t come across a Christmas one yet 🙁