Last year I bit the bullet and conquered my social fear, bravely heading to blogger events in the last 4 months of the year (BlogOn Xmas, Blog Camp On Board, Blogosphere as well as events at the Lexicon and Middle Temple Hall).
I was hugely excited to see that a new team were setting up an event to kick off 2018 in London. Ana de Jesus and Giulia Smith are the founders of London Blogging Events.
If I am being perfectly honest, I was a little anxious about attending. Many of the attendees were fashion and lifestyle bloggers so I felt a bit of a phoney.
I was starstruck when I met Ana as I have been reading her blog for over a year and am amazed by her passion for vegetarian and cruelty free products as well as her confident style which emanates from her blog and social media. I needn’t have worried as Ana is soooo lovely, warm and welcoming and got me chatting to many other bloggers.
I loved meeting different brands, most of which were UK based, cruelty free, organic, gluten free, vegetarian or all!
Thanks to Debaere I got to try my first ever macarons which were absolutely delicious.
I learned more about cruelty free skincare from Urban Veda as well as finding out about the charity they support.
The future of the planet and creating positive menstruation experiences is important to me as a woman and a mother. So it was great to have periods and body image as well as sustainability covered by TOTM.
There were amazing fashion brands including Margo Carlo, Lushious Lifestyle Boutique and Flame Lily. I would love to have more confidence and fashion is a great way to express yourself. Plus I was looking for ideas for wedding attire and accessories!
There were great bloggers giving insights and support. And then there was the goody bag…
I had an amazing time: well done Ana and Giulia, I can’t wait for your next event!
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