
My very own website!!! Yikes!


#Blogtober18 day 26: zero tolerance

On a complete tangent: I have only just realised that the prompts for Blogtober have been A to Z! Hmm, I am not a very tolerant person and, although it is terrible for my soul, I do not forgive and forget. This is to protect me and those I love from the pain of broken […]

#Blogtober18 day 25: years gone by for #MuseumsAtNight

I love museums and history and I love the idea of having events at night to show a different side to the artefacts or create an atmosphere in keeping with the subject matter. Last month I visited the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to see their Spellbound collection and I am pleased to tell you that […]

#Blogtober18 day 24: xrays and broken bones

Earlier this month it was the 10 year anniversary of my broken foot! At the time no one thought it was broken as the pain was not as bad as people were telling me it should be. My mum still feels guilty that it took 2 days for her to take me to hospital to […]

#Blogtober18 day 23: wishlist for the future

Ooh tricky! I am still working my way through my bucket list to complete by the time I’m 40 (2 and a half years to go and still a heck of a lot to do!) I have written about the personality traits I want to foster in the children so for this post I decided […]