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Daily thoughts

#MySundayPhoto winter warmer

Outside the temperature is in minus figures so we are enjoying the roaring fire. I am feeling incredibly grateful for my home and family this weekend. On Friday I was in London and saw several homeless people. I hope they have found somewhere warm to shelter in this bitter weather and I hope they find […]

Teens: everything changes, everything stays the same!

It has been an incredibly busy couple of weeks as I have been invigilating exams every day. They are not called mock exams any more, they are now Pre Public Exams or PPEs. So was the word ‘mock’ meaning that they were not being taken seriously and now an acronym gives more gravitas? No. The […]

#MySundayPhoto: the class bear

Oh, the joy! Anya came home with the class bear this weekend (or is it a dog? difficult to tell…) Anya was absolutely thrilled. I was somewhat less so! However, this weekend we actually have plans so at least we have something to write about! Yesterday was the school Christmas Fair so good old Daisy […]

This year’s advent calendars, is 8 too many…?

Actually I miscounted: it is 7 toy ones, a cosmetic one and 5 chocolate ones! We opened the toy and make up ones in November to countdown to advent (kind of makes sense 🙂 ) and then started the chocolate ones last night. I think the kids were more excited by the chocolate! Below is […]

#MySundayPhoto well done Matthew!

Matthew’s teacher chose him to receive a certificate in this week’s celebration assembly for ‘striving to do his best at all times’. The letter was sent home a week ago and it instructed me not to tell Matt that he had been chosen and to attend the assembly secretly. I told him I was working […]