Mega important question! What flavour crisps are your favourite?
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Daily thoughts
Facebook #Blogtober17 day 27
Before I became a blogger Facebook was the only social media I used and that was just my personal account. Now I have my blog page which has just reached 900 likes, yay! I think most bloggers would agree that Facebook is the hardest social media to crack and progress is slow, yet I work […]
Cat or dog? (Vlogtober day 26)
I think of myself as a cat person but our family has a dog! Which pet is your favourite?
Zoo #Blogtober17 day 26
This year we have been to Sandown Zoo on the Isle of Wight and Marwell Zoo in Hampshire. I find zoos problematic. I love being able to see animals from around the world especially the big cats which are so majestic and beautiful. However I have concerns about their welfare and happiness. At Marwell there […]
2 months until Christmas (Vlogtober day 25)
There are only 2 months to go until Christmas: how are your plans coming along? Who is more excited: you or the family?