
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Daily thoughts

#My Sunday Photo

Here we have Matthew indoctrinating Zach to love trains last Sunday afternoon. We start them young in our family! I just love Zach’s smile as the engine whizzes past 🙂 while Matt is looking serious as he concentrates

Saturday 11th March: 6 months of blogging! And my leg hair has split ends…

I’ve survived 6 months! I don’t think I’ve taken the world by storm but if I have made someone laugh or be reassured that they’re not alone in the madness of parenthood then I’m happy. In the meantime I have been enjoying the apparent start of spring. I am seriously considering ditching the socks and […]

Friday 3rd March: yesterday was a tough one

I cannot describe how hard yesterday was. Other parents will recognise the type of day when nothing went right, all the children were awkward, the sleep deprivation (teething, gggrrrrr!) was overwhelming and my temper was simmering. I used a lot of bad words, muttered but still said them. I wasn’t a nice person yesterday and […]

Sunday 26th February: half term is over!

Well it has been a busy week. I was SOOOOO looking forward to spending time with my older two as I really do miss them while they are at school and preschool. I had obviously forgotten that they are unreasonable human beings just like the rest of us! Most mornings started like this: The first […]