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Daily thoughts

Friday 17th February: spitting

Yuck! I’m writing this after dwelling overnight on the exhibition of spitting that a young man made on the school run yesterday. He was walking in the opposite direction and spat a few metres from me. Further down the road I could see other evidence of his habit 🙁 I then worried that he has […]

Monday 13th February: my early date with the man I love

We went out to lunch yesterday at our favourite restaurant where we had our second date. ALONE: no kids. I also took the opportunity to dress up and surprise Chris. I’d taken clothes, make up and jewellery around to my parents’ house earlier in the week so that when I dropped the kids off I […]

Thursday 9th February: do you see dead people?

Not out and about obviously (unless you do, eeek!). I’m talking about your dreams. This derives from a conversation with my mum yesterday. She had spoken to my grandmother who had dreamed about my Grandad who died in 2012. When Mum mentioned this to my uncle, he thought it was a bit weird as he’s […]

Wednesday 8th February: hurrah for independence! no, wait…

Anya has started wiping her own bum. Too much information? The first time she did it, she struck fear in my heart buy announcing she’d done it herself. It wasn’t as bad as I’d thought 🙂 Anya has always been more keen for independence than Matthew. Second child. Girl. Determined personality. Whatever the reason she […]

Monday 6th February: the great chickenpox debate

It’s official, my nephew has chickenpox. Matthew and Anya have both had it but obviously Zach hasn’t. But I want him to get it sooner rather than later. Matthew was 3 when he had it and he has scars from scratching, he also missed out on a week of preschool. Anya had it straight afterwards […]