Stickers. I hate them. They serve no purpose except to wind me up and clog up the washing machine 🙁 This is the collection of stickers that the kids have collected in the last fortnight. Well, that’s not technically true. These are the ones they’ve rescued from their clothing before entering the dreaded linen bin. […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Daily thoughts
Wednesday 25th January: Get off your phone and talk to your child!!!
OK that title was a bit grumpy, wasn’t it?! This is inspired by a couple of incidents this week. First the lollipop lady complimented me on always talking to my kids rather than being on the phone. Then I watched a mum walk through the gate on her phone, collect her child and leave through […]
Sunday 15th January: watch out world!
It’s official: Zach can crawl. Nothing is safe. He has stopped doing an impression of a worm (throwing himself forward, straightening up and lunging again) and can do an actual crawl. He also did some cruising along the settee so walking may not be far behind, aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhh! Matthew has changed this week too. He has […]
Friday 13th January: thundersnow? normal snow? not really
IT SNOWED!!! Well about a centimetre. There was no thundersnow 🙁 Blackwater did not become the snow capital of the world. My mum’s endless worry about running out of milk has come to nothing: Tesco opened as usual, all the employees got in to serve customers, milk had been delivered. Panic buying was not required, […]
Monday 9th January: feeling old and young
Anya and I went to a birthday party yesterday. I was the oldest mum there. I also used to teach several of the other mums 10 years ago. I felt OLD. Then I got chatting to one of the grandparents and was thrilled when she said she thought I was the same age as the […]