
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Daily thoughts

Wednesday 7th December: an astonishing revelation…

OK chaps, are you ready for this? I miss cleaning. Seriously, I actually miss cleaning. My mum would reel in shock at hearing this, and then possibly start laughing hysterically. But I am actually missing it. I think longingly of the last days of pregnancy when I was cleaning the bathroom floor and all the […]

Sunday 4th December: Christmas decorations!

We just couldn’t help ourselves. We normally wait until my dad and Chris’ birthday nearest weekend but we NEEDED to put the decorations up today! It would be fair to say that Zach has absolutely no idea what is going on. His face was a picture when we put on santa hats and started putting […]

Wednesday 30th November: a quick little grump

It’s my half birthday! No one is excited because tomorrow is December and therefore Christmas month which is obviously much more important (although Matthew’s half birthday was considered important yesterday, but then he is 6. Oh, and a half now 🙂 ) Yesterday was mega pants. The kids conspired to make every second as awkward […]

Friday 18th November: I want my mum!

Well it has been a pretty rubbish week. We have all been ill with plague (or perhaps just a bad cold 😉 ). I felt particularly awful on Wednesday night which just happened to be the one day of work outside the house all month! The meeting overran by an hour and quite frankly I […]

Sunday 6th November: letting go is hard to do…

This is Matthew all set for his first sleepover away from family (he’s stayed at mum and dad’s loads of times). He cried for most of the previous SIX hours because he didn’t want to leave me. I veered between reassuring him and being annoyed. I reminded him that he is without me everyday at […]