Wowser! 6 months gone already?! How is that even possible? This time 6 months ago I was pacing the floor waiting to go into hospital to be induced. Zach was my least popular child at that moment. Skip forward 6 months to today and Matthew and Anya had a mighty battle before the school run. […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Daily thoughts
Wednesday 5th October 2016: My foray into the world of Youtube Ok so what I didn’t put in the description for this video is that I was editing it while breastfeeding. I am therefore a multitasking genius. Don’t even ask how I managed to use the mouse 😀 I tried two new skills: speeding up the footage to create a speed build and adding music. […]
Sunday 2nd October
So yesterday was a big family day as we were all meeting up in Gloucester so my grandmother could finally meet Zach and spend time with the rest of her great-grandchildren before returning to her care home. It did not start well. Friday night the heavens opened all over the dried washing that I hadn’t […]
Friday 30th September: sleep!
Well Zach is now the proud owner of a body that he can control! This week he has rolled over from his tum to his back and from his back to his tum. He has managed to sit unaided for longer and longer. He can drink from the sippy cup all by himself. It […]
Saturday 24th September
Well, what a difference a year makes! This time a year ago we got to see our new baby for the first time and he was only the size of his foot today! Lego Star Wars battles are raging behind me as Matt and Anya argue in the biggest fight since Endor. What REALLY […]