
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Daily thoughts

The history of the Easter Bunny

At the grand old age of 36, it has suddenly occurred to me that I have absolutely NO IDEA why there is an Easter Bunny. I can see the link between Easter and eggs (symbolising new life but also refers to the fasting for Lent) but bunnies have me completely stumped! Time to get researching… […]

#MySundayPhoto snow fun!

What a week! Zach’s first experience of proper snow and first time wearing wellies. Matthew and Anya’s first snow days. The first snowman at our home. Happy memories!

#MySundayPhoto cooperative play

Yesterday on #project365 I added a photo of the children playing together upstairs in their bedroom. I wanted to show another pic which shows how well Anya and Zach were playing with Sylvanian Families. Zach often plays dinosaurs with Matthew but this was the first time he played with Anya in a more mature way. […]

#MySundayPhoto half term freedom!

Whenever I ask the children what they want to do in the holidays, Anya’s answer is always the same: the playground. We attempted to go on Thursday but as we pulled into the car park it began raining (even some hail!) so we headed home (very sad faces all round 🙁 ) I promised we […]

#MySundayPhoto class assembly

This week was Matthew’s class assembly and Matt did an excellent job in introducing the topic. Not a hint of nerves! He was then in charge of the buzzer during the quiz section and ended the whole thing with a thank you to the visiting parents. Very proud mum!