We might have had two weeks of Easter but I felt it was important to keep a routine in place so that it wouldn’t be too tricky to get back into afterwards! With the exception of the bank holidays and weekends, we followed a reduced schedule compare to the first two weeks of home learning […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
home learning
Home learning week 2
So, week 2 of home learning is now complete (take a look at how we got on in week one). I have included a few website links that I have used this week and hope you will find them useful. Emotions have been a lot closer to the surface for all of us this week […]
Home learning week 1: how we got on
Following on from my recent post explaining how I was approaching home learning (NOT home schooling!), I thought I would update you on how we got on. For a video of our first day, click here. The plan and the reality: MONDAY 23.03.2020 9.15-10.00 English: handwriting, spellings, rhyming words. The kids completed this and were […]
Day 1 of home learning: complete!
Here is a little peek at how we survived our first day of home learning: How are you getting on?
Don’t panic! How to conduct home learning
These are uncertain times. No one has any idea how long self isolating and social distancing will be necessary. Some say weeks, others months. The important thing to note is that we need to encourage home learning, not begin home schooling. We should be supporting our children with their learning, not trying to teach them. […]