
My very own website!!! Yikes!


And just like that, the junior school adventure begins…

Somehow, summer is over. Apparently we have had 6 weeks off… The tummy bug at the weekend really knocked up for six so it has been a struggle. Further to my last post about panic, that was NOTHING compared to this morning. I was writing Matthew’s name in everything at 7.30 this morning. I was […]

Back to school panic!!!

This weekend can be summed up in one word: PANIC! I suddenly realised that the uniform was still hidden away in bags, not washed and certainly not labelled. I have seen many other bloggers with their fancy personalised labels but my kids will be making do with their names in permanent marker 🙁 Actually, these […]

5 fab things about breastfeeding and the reasons it sucks (pun intended!)

This week is World Breastfeeding Week. I have already written about my own breastfeeding journey and focused this week on supporting mums because breastfeeding is NOT EASY! Today I am thinking about the highs and lows of breastfeeding from a personal and hopefully slightly humorous perspective 🙂   The health benefits As well as protecting […]

5 funny little things about…

I was tagged by Lily’s Little Learners to take part in the 5 funny little things about… I’ve decided to think about all 3 children separately! Zach Zach claps himself all the time. Every time I call him a good boy he bursts into applause for himself. Zach is very clingy for the first 30 […]

The thing about sports day…

…is that I hate it. There I’ve said it. I am not a sporty person, I have no natural athletic ability. Sports Day was always a day of misery, no matter how the school would try to make it inclusive. Why would you want to see someone fail, as I did year in year out. […]