
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Our family commandments

1. Thou shalt not take apart the lego minifigures (because it wipes their faces off if done a lot) 2. Thou shalt not make a fuss at mealtimes. Don’t eat what you don’t want, just don’t make a big deal about it. Oh, and don’t expect pudding. 3. Thou shalt wee before leaving anywhere (home, […]


Now I like a glass of wine and usually restrict myself to just one. I generally avoid drinking in front of the children unless we are at a party. No real reason except I don’t want to relax while ‘on duty’. However, despite this, my children still think I’m wine obsessed. When we are in […]


I LOVE this photo! Chris took it one evening while I was feeding Zach and I had no idea until he showed me later. Quite simply I think it is beautiful (although I have played around with it in the Prisma app!) I have breastfed all three of my babies, and it hasn’t always been […]