
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Ooh we had a fun half term!

The kids are back at school already, I can’t believe it! We had one of the busiest school holidays we’ve ever had and the kids (and me) have absolutely loved it 🙂 There were some big milestones for them as well… Chris had Monday off work and we took the children swimming for the first […]

Time goes so slow, time goes so fast

I am writing this post in response to my children discussing with me the mystery of time. Why does it drag when you are bored and race when you’re having fun? Why do we remember the good moments and discard the bad (most of the time)? Matthew and Anya were joking with me about Zach’s […]

The shocking truth about safeguarding in our schools

I attended a training course on safeguarding on Friday. Have you heard of safeguarding? It is the requirement to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals especially children, young people and vulnerable adults so that they can live free from abuse, harm and neglect. As a member of staff at 3 different schools, […]

Mr Tumble I love you (and your signing)

Actually that isn’t entirely true. Mr Tumble is really quite annoying. But Justin Fletcher is simply brilliant. (I would have written ‘Justin Fletcher I love you’ in the title of this post but I didn’t want to terrify the poor man as that sounded a bit stalker-ish) The enthusiasm he has and the rapport he […]

Dinosaurs! Matthew takes over the blog, roar!

Over the summer Lego Ninjago was all that we talked about in our house. However, Matthew has now chosen a new passion: dinosaurs! I know more about dinosaurs than many other women my age 🙂 so I thought I would give Matthew a chance to share some of his knowledge. First of all an A […]