
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Cheer on the slow runners!

So after the winter break and then catching Covid, I have finally used the Easter holidays to kickstart my running again. It is HARD! A long way from my best but proud of myself for being better than last week when I was having a lay in! Over the last few weeks I have seen […]

7 top tips to cut your electric bill

We just got our electric bill and it was double the last one! Over £700 so we urgently need to make some cuts to our use and here are some things we will try: Turn off appliances rather than putting them on stand by. Consider changing your appliances to more energy efficient versions. Wash clothes […]

Recommendations please! Fun places in Devon and Cornwall

Yay, we have finally booked our holiday! We are heading to the Devon/Cornwall border this summer and would love some recommendations of places to go in both counties. I love history and we already have English Heritage membership but need some ideas for places that would appeal to any or all of the children. So, […]

My Covid diary: day 10 at last!

So I have reached day 10 of Covid! I would not wish this illness on anyone and dread to think how ill I would have been without being fully vaccinated. Day 0 saw me test positive after a day at school when I hadn’t felt too bad. Just a slight feeling at the back of […]

National Mario Day March 10th

March 10th is National Mario Day (or MAR10, get it?!) My own experience of Mario didn’t begin until I bought a Wii in 2008. Mariokart quickly became a favourite as the basic game is pretty simple so the whole family can enjoy it together. I have played this with my children on the Wii and […]