This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week and Thursday 17th February is Random Acts of Kindness Day so here are some ideas for kids and parents. It would be lovely if you tried to do some every week all year! Kids Smile 😀 Older kids could prepare a meal for the family. Tidy up […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Our Covid diary: days 5-7
So Matthew and Anya tested positive for Covid last week and we have been zealously testing me, Chris and Zach but no sign of any second lines on those pesky tests of ours! I have skipped a few days in the ‘diary’ as not much has happened. Regular text messages reminding us of the legal […]
Our Covid diary: days zero and one
Here we go then. We managed to escape for two years but this weekend Covid finally caught up with us. So how did it begin? Matthew and I took our regular Sunday test in the morning then headed downstairs for a snack. Chris went up to the bathroom and yelled down the stairs “Do you […]
2021: a year of gratitude
I don’t think any of us expected 2021 to turn out quite the way it did. Covid has not disappeared as we hoped! But I am brimful of thanks and gratitude for this year, our time together as a family. January: more lockdowns and Chris still working from home. February: discovering new vegan favourites March: […]
My first 10 days learning Italian with Duolingo
Learning Italian has always been something I have wanted to do, along with a visit to Italy itself one day! My dad’s grandfather was Italian before moving to England, marrying an English woman and was a merchant seaman during the First World War. I saw that one of my friends was using Duolingo so I […]