
My very own website!!! Yikes!


The lost art of reading paperbacks

Last week I read my first paperback in at least a year. I had almost forgotten what it was like to read an actual physical book! (Oh and you can read my review here) I have become utterly dependent on my Kindle app on my phone, so it was refreshing, challenging and enjoyable to hold […]

Thankfulness in lockdown and the sad return of…

Sorry to be all “bah humbug” but there are actually some things that I am grateful for during lockdown and am DREADING resuming once lockdown ends. So to get started… Kids parties, soft play and playgrounds: ahhh the pressure to have fun! Manky soft play and the germs, outdoor playgrounds that are too hot or […]

Couch to 5k week 2

After the buzz from last week, I started week 2 with high expectations but things did not go smoothly! Week 2 consists of a 5 minute warm up, 60 seconds running with 90 seconds walking repeated 6 times and a 5 minute warm down walk. The first run went REALLY well and I felt amazing. […]

Couch to 5k: week one

I am officially crazy. Joe Wicks has got me with the fitness bug. Lockdown fever is to blame! Usually I walk an hour a day on the school runs but for three whole months I have been mostly stuck at home with only a couple of leisurely walks a week. The upshot is, I decided […]