
My very own website!!! Yikes!


June 2020: month in review

It seems like only yesterday I was writing about mine and Matthew’s birthdays at the end of May and now June has completely disappeared as well! Family: finally the easing of lockdown allowed us to visit my parents even if we could only be in the garden 2 metres apart. We also formed a bubble […]

Feeling lost in the lockdown lunacy

I feel lost. Normal doesn’t exist any more. Government advice seems to be haphazard at best and lunatic at worst. Today marked another easing of lockdown. I can now visit most shops, enjoy a trip to a theme park, get my hair cut, go to a pub or restaurant. Finally I am allowed inside my […]

How to make a British cup of tea

So there is a viral video on TikTok showing an American woman making a British cup of tea. Except it isn’t. She uses a microwave to make a tepid revolting travesty that does not even begin to equate to the Great British cuppa. Matthew is now 10 so I decided it was time to teach […]

May 2020: a month in review

Another whole month gone by and already a week into June before I remembered to write this round up! Family: still no visits to family in May although I have now seen some wider family members via Zoom, as well as continuing to see my parents and sister via Skype. It was Matthew’s birthday and […]

It is no longer enough to not be racist

People are angry. Rightly so. Social media was muted on Tuesday as many shared blacked out posts in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. I feel very uncomfortable writing about race from my white privileged viewpoint. But I feel that I can no longer stay silent. Avoiding the problem, staying in my comfort zone, being merely […]