
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Grandparents, grief and growing up

This week I have grown up a little bit more. Sounds a bit daft coming from a 38 year old. This week my final grandparent passed away and grief has struck our family. I know I have been exceedingly blessed to have had my grandparents in my life for such a long time. One set […]

Catching the jumpsuit trend at last!

I am not a dedicated follower of fashion. My mum wardrobe is basically jeans and t shirt for summer and jeans and jumper for winter. Last year I made more of an effort as the kids were older so snot, wee and poo were less likely to provide accessories (less likely, not impossible, thanks a […]

A crime to refuse vaccinations?

In the 1980s, author Roald Dahl reflected on the death of his daughter Olivia twenty years earlier. The open letter is quite devastating but the line that remains in my mind is : ‘It really is almost a crime to allow your child to go unimmunised’. It got me thinking: should we make it a […]

My love-hate relationship with laundry

Love it or hate it, laundry is everywhere! Especially in our house! You may notice that many of my pictures have drying washing in the background, although I do try to crop it out. Here I am bringing shame to my youngest whilst dancing to David Gibb‘s latest CD: Here are the kids being zombies […]

Happy first wedding anniversary, Chris!

It is currently 10pm on the night of our first wedding anniversary. We have just shared a bottle of 24 year old champagne, possibly a bit dodgy but the alcohol content was still good 😉 I wasn’t sure whether to post anything about us and our big day. Some bloggers are as regular as clockwork, […]