
My very own website!!! Yikes!


100 truths

Deborah at My Random Musings recently came up with 100 questions so here are my answers! The Basics 1 What’s your name? Laura 2 Any nicknames or aliases? Loop, Mum or Mummy (in a variety of disgruntled tones) 3 Your gender? Female 4 Your star sign? Gemini 5 How old are you? 36 6 Your […]

Who let the dog out? NOT me!

I spend the majority of my life with an elderly gentleman. His name is Ollie. I am not a dog lover and am actually not keen on animals at all (which is why I’m vegetarian). I do love Ollie though and I honestly never thought I would say that about a dog. He is with […]

The follow/unfollow game: it’s personal :(

Back in September when I attended BlogOnXmas, I was chatting to another blogger and she told me of another ‘big’ blogger who plays the follow/unfollow game. I didn’t give it much thought but then today I checked back and indeed, this blogger is not following me on my social media despite both of us having […]

Autumn Half Term: how did it go?

Amazingly, half term has been and gone! I have no idea how it is already over! You may recall that I set our family a bucket list of things to do… so how did we get on? Rubbish actually, oops! The time completely ran away from me 🙁 Right then, let’s confess to the failures! […]

I’m a Halloween hater, sorry!

I have never been a fan of Halloween and now that it has grown in popular culture I like it even less. The only problem is… my kids love it! We recently bought them new costumes for the amazing price of only £3.99 each at Aldi. They are completely obsessed with their costumes. Matthew insisted […]