Eighteen months since my last brush with covid, and it has been back with a vengeance! Anya had it a second time earlier this year but the rest of us escaped it (immunity is WEIRD!) This time it began with Matthew feeling distinctly under the weather but we were surprised when he tested positive as […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Should mobile phones be banned in schools?
The Education Secretary announced last week that mobile phones should be banned in schools. I have such mixed opinions on this! Anya received a phone for her 11th birthday and I have just requested permission for her to take the phone to school. It will be handed in and kept at the office each day […]
Guinea Pig Awareness Week 25th-29th September 2023
Back in March I became a guinea pig mum and now eagerly awaiting becoming a guinea granny! This week is Guinea Pig Awareness Week (25th-29th September 2023) so I thought I would spread the word about the fabness of guinea pigs! The guineas are so excited every morning and what a racket they make! Rustle […]
Pavement rules, ok?!
Anya is about to start walking to school on her own. I am worried. Crossing the road, cars coming out of driveways etc. But there is another vehicle I am worried about. Bikes. Bikes are classed as a vehicle and can cause severe injury to pedestrians. Rule 64 of the HIghway Code says ‘You MUST NOT […]
Summer reading challenge 2023
The school summer holidays are rapidly approaching, woohoo! I have decided to challenge the kids (and myself) to a reading challenge. Why don’t you join in! Read a book by your favourite author Make a recipe from a recipe book Read a magazine or comic Read a book from a genre you wouldn’t usually choose […]