
My very own website!!! Yikes!


10 things that make me happy!

Thank you to the wonderful Mummy and Rory for the tag! Take a look over at her post to see what she chose! My children. Yes, they drive me mad most of the time but there is something adorable about them 🙂  Crisp time. I have done a vlog about things I can’t live without […]

National Selfie Day!

I hate selfies. Everyone else’s look glam. Mine look grim. The angle is always wrong so my forehead or chin or something looks huge! (or maybe it is just my weird features…!)   Please leave a comment with any tips! I am never going to be sultry. I will never have the pout thing. Instead […]

Time is a great healer: the effects of quitting smoking!

I have never been a smoker, never even tried a cigarette. My grandmother died from throat cancer when I was 15 and smoking was partly responsible. I admit that when I saw on Chris’ profile that he smoked I almost didn’t contact him (super glad I did!) but when we met he explained there wasn’t […]

For Dad and Chris: Happy Father’s Day!

OK so TWO important men to celebrate today… Let’s start with my own Dad. A bit of an old pic (my sister looking devastatingly glam compared to me!) but I love the pride in this photo. Dad is proud of his girls and we are proud to be his daughters. Dad is a self-confessed geek, […]

School reunions and some advice for today’s teenagers

Three weeks ago I went to a school reunion. Incredibly it has been 20 years since I finished secondary school and completed my GCSEs. There I am, sat in my final History class in May 1997. And there I am, front left corner May 2017. The funny thing is that when I walked in, everyone […]