This morning I sat down with my children and told them about the events in Manchester. It is becoming too regular an occurrence (just two months ago in London 🙁 ) but the message I give my children each and every time is that the world is a good place, full of good people. I […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Tiny Tickers on BBC Lifeline Appeal
Hearing your unborn baby’s heartbeat or seeing it on the screen is a magical experience. I confess to crying with happiness each time. I loved all my scan appointments, although I focused more on seeing my baby than on the essential function the sonographer was performing: checking my baby was healthy and the organs working […]
More competition wins!
I wrote recently about my surprise competition wins as I consider myself unlucky and rarely win anything. The tide has turned! Two more competition wins this month. First of all another one from BattleMum before she disappeared to the sunnier climes of Portugal. I won this set of 4 Safe Sip covers and matching beakers. […]
#BiBs2017 : Brilliance in Blogging Awards
Let me start by saying there are amazing bloggers out there and it is a privilege to read your work. Now the bit where I cringe massively. I want to be included in your number. I want to be taken seriously. I want to work hard and create a better future for my family. My […]
National Vegetarian Week 15th-21st May
Hurrah! I am vegetarian! Now something you may not know is the reason for my vegetarianism. I may be about to make myself deeply unpopular. I am vegetarian because I don’t like animals. There, I’ve said it. Most people look at me oddly when I say that and one ex even said that I should […]