
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Trying to be me again!

Now that I have stopped breastfeeding Zach during the day I can start to reclaim my own identity. It isn’t selfish (I hope!) to want to be Laura sometimes rather than Mummy. I will never be the same person I was before children, nor would I want to be. But being me again as a […]

Birth number 2

Now this is my favourite birth. I didn’t really believe it was happening and kept thinking it was going to get a lot worse. I woke in the early hours with vague contractions but just went back to sleep. In the morning while feeding Matthew his breakfast, my parents were laughing at how I was […]

Birthing partner

This was awful! Nearly a year after having Matthew, my sister was due to give birth and she chose me and her husband to be birthing partners. I can honestly say it was worse than giving birth myself. Having to watch someone you love be in excruciating pain is simply awful. When her waters broke […]

Birth number 1

I have tried to block it out but there may be some women out there feeling anxious about childbirth and I’d like to reassure you that – compared to what comes afterwards – it’s easy! I have been insane enough to do it THREE times and each one was unique. Let me start with my […]

Vlog: collector or hoarder?

I get driven crazy by my parents’ hoarding but am I really just as bad?! NO! I’m a collector! 😉 How about you?