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Project 365 2018

#Project365 week 21: happy and sad family occasions

This week there have been some happy and sad family moments. Day 140: we headed to Gloucester for my great uncle’s 80th birthday. I love family occasions and the children adore each other. Day 141: Ollie wanted some peace and quiet in the garden but Zach had other ideas! The weather was grey and miserable […]

#Project365 week 20: a whole week of good weather!

What an amazing week! I have been working every day so am pretty knackered but the sun has kept me going! Plus the royal wedding at the end of the week to look forward to, yay! Day 133: Chris and I headed out on a date for an early anniversary and birthday meal at Bella […]

#Project365 week 19: time has raced by this week!

Erm, where did this week go? Yesterday I didn’t even realise it was Friday until I said ‘see you tomorrow’ to a mum on the school run and she said ‘no it’s the weekend’! Day 126: Blog On X was amazing (not just because of the prosecco!) Day 127: the kids loved having complete freedom […]

#Project365 week 18

  The start of the week started so well and my vertigo is so much better but I have been overdoing it a bit and been really wobbly and unsteady again today 🙁 Day 119: Matthew getting stuck in to a Harry Potter book: sooooooo proud! Day 120: a trip to see my little sister. […]

#Project365 week 17 feeling sunny

The weather has been deteriorating again this week but my mood has been quite sunny as I’m finally starting to feel better. My vertigo is improving very slowly and that makes everyone happy 🙂 Day 112: I was so surprised to receive this from one of my jobs to wish me get well soon. Love […]