I am not a fan of hot custard but I love it cold! Is that weird? I was inspired to try this recipe because I used to love custard tarts before I had my wheat allergy diagnosis. Me and my mum used to treat ourselves to one every couple of months. My great grandmother used […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
April A to Z gluten free vegetarian treats: D is for dates (sticky toffee cake!)
I have made this recipe so many times! I have never tried ‘normal’ sticky toffee pudding but this version is amazing. It can be served warm as a pudding or cold as a cake. I can’t eat raw fruit so I love recipes that use it is baking. I’d never eaten a date before finding […]
April A to Z gluten free vegetarian treats: C is for cookies
I have seen a lot of recipes for rainbow cookies which use Smarties but unfortunately they have wheat in the shell of aren’t suitable for me 🙁 M&Ms are fine though! They do tend to splurge a bit and the colour leaks into the cookie so they don’t looks quite as pretty but they taste […]
April A to Z gluten free vegetarian treats: B is for brownies
I’m not actually sure that I’ve ever made brownies before! So this was a bit of an experiment… I am a bit dodgy with nuts and many recipes use them in brownies so I have cobbled together a recipe that avoids them: wish me luck! Ingredients 5oz soft butter or margarine 7oz caster sugar 2 […]
April A to Z gluten free vegetarian treats! A is for…apple crumble
My family love crumble and luckily the gluten free version is almost identical to the ‘normal’ one. The topping is a little drier as gluten free flour absorbs more liquid, but I find that cream or ice cream as an accompaniment is a great way to add moisture. I cheat by using tinned fruit pie […]