I’m a bit confused. A couple of years ago Black Friday was introduced to the UK. The scenes on the TV were terrifying to see how humanity was reduced to slaves to materialism.
This year Black Friday seems to last 2 WHOLE weeks (or longer). At the start of last week I started getting emails with deals. And more emails and more and more…
Chris asked me when Black Friday actually was and I confidently replied. I was wrong. Black Friday wasn’t the Friday we’ve just had: it is this coming Friday, the 24th.
How has this happened? How has it taken over the world?
Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping and am devoted to online bargains (sooooo much easier than heading to the shops with the kids in tow!)
I spend hours trawling through websites, planning what to buy before actually committing. I love the thrill of the hunt! Tracking down the best prices and looking for the best deals.
The problem with Black Friday is all the deals and prices arrive at the same time so impulse (dare I say, panic) buys accidentally end up in the virtual basket.
So my only advice to see you through this madness is:
Buy what you need – write a list and stick to it. Write a reasonable price next to each item and ONLY go for it if it meets your target. The offers are there to be tempting!
I wonder how long Black Friday will last next year…