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#Blogtober17 day 3: car

I learned to drive when I was 18. My first car was originally my mum’s: a butter yellow Metro! Easy to find in car parks! But it had no fifth gear and struggled going at full speed on dual carriageways…

Then after university I bought a car for myself, a dark green Ford Fiesta which I owned for 6 years before updating to a more modern blue Fiesta.
Last year I needed to buy a bigger car to accommodate the three car seats in the back seat so opted for a blue Galaxy. It also has a huge boot to fit Ollie and all of our luggage in on trips.
I love my Galaxy and am proud of some of the journeys I have made recently. My mum is a very nervous driver and I think expects me to be the same so I loved driving us all the first leg of our holiday last year to York. The look on her face when she waved us off was hilarious! Then I drove  the whole way to Manchester all by myself for BlogOnXmas last month and tomorrow I’m off to Southampton.
The thing I hate most about cars is parking. The actual driving bit I’m fine with but I always worry that I will be able to park when I arrive. I cannot parallel park, never been able to do it 🙁 The Galaxy has parking sensors which are fab as it is so huge!
So how about you, what was your first car and what are you driving now?



  1. My friends got a galaxy and loves it! I love parking. I can parallel park like a pro and always reverse park into spaces. Its easier than you think! 🙂

  2. As I just started driving last year, my first and only car so far is my white ford fiesta ztec which I call betty. When it comes to parking, I can do practically all maneuvers provided I have a LOT of space lol

  3. This is beautiful. Driving and having your own car is such a massive achievement for yourself. Something you have worked hard for and earned. It allows you to have so much independence and I love how you have your own little car journey to show your little ones when they’re ready to get on the road!


  4. tots2travel

    You can’t beat that first car. You and your mates must have looked the business whizzing about in that. My first car was a Vauxhall.

  5. Oh wow, this post reminded me of my first cars. A Ford Fiesta and then a beautiful blue sparkly Metro 🙂 I stopped driving for 15 years and happily never forgot. I still hate parking though!!

  6. I learned to drive in my mums Morris Minor and my first car was a VW Beetle – I still remember the number plate!! I drive a Touran now although I don’t like it – it was a panic buy after my C4 blew up

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