
My very own website!!! Yikes!

#Blogtober2017: all about me!

31 posts in 31 days. Sounds simple, right? But actually blogging is work, it takes time and effort. So thank you to Mandi at HexMum for inspiring bloggers with some prompts: check out her site for all the other wonderful bloggers taking part this month!
A bit about me then…

Well I have an all about me tab at the top and I have published facts about me in the past so what can I say that is new…?
Not that new but I am first and foremost a mum. And tired 🙂

I am also a blogger and vlogger.
There! That is the first time I’ve put it so prominently!
When I started blogging I had never even read another blog so really had no idea what I was doing. Last weekend at BlogOnXmas I did a session on blog content and focus which really made me evaluate my blog and the direction I want it to take. 3 weeks ago was my blog’s first birthday and I have lots of plans for the future.
But none of this would be possible without my partner Chris, the man who inspires me to be me.

The title is supposed to be ‘all about me’ but the reality is that without Chris, Matthew, Anya and Zach there would be no me. They have made me who I am today, they have made me the blogger I am today.
Thank you for reading and I hope you will join me for the rest of October!




  1. Pingback: Lessons learned from taking part in #Blogtober17 and #Vlogtober | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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