I think it is safe to say I am a Star Wars fanatic. I have seen the original trilogy perhaps 50 times and the prequel trilogy about 25 times (over 200 films altogether!). Last night we watched Rogue One and I think it is fair to say I would class it with the originals rather than the prequels in terms of quality. The children have watched Episodes 1-6 and are obsessed with the Lego versions.
So what is it that is so special? The music is magnificent. The dialogue is clunky but distinctive. The characters are memorable. The plots are believable (except the midi-chlorian nonsense). The settings are stunning. The beginning is iconic with the scrolling words 🙂
But more than that, it has been there for my whole life. I remember sitting with my family watching it on VHS during the 1980s. I remember seeing Episode 1 on the first night of release with friends. I remember the outrage when they put Hayden Christensen in the final scene of Return of the Jedi for the DVD release. I remember the anticipation when the sequel trilogy and spin offs were announced. I feel that I know these characters. I understand them, I care what happens to them.
There is a reason that so many people claim to be Jedi on the census: it is a way of life that unites nature with life. Aliens are tolerated and accepted, their value is in their character not their appearance. As a child it really resonated with me that Yoda was small but could still achieve great things, self belief and perseverance are essential to success.
When there is trouble ahead ‘I have a bad feeling about this’. Sometimes on a difficult day, I take a deep breath and repeat this mantra ‘The Force is with me. I am one with the Force’. The children will not turn me to the Dark Side. I will rise up greater than anyone can ever imagine.
The brilliant thing is that I have found my soul mate in Chris. We share our excitement over Star Wars news. As a family we all watched the teaser trailer for Episode 8 (including my parents). We seem to have amassed a huge Lego Star Wars collection and Matthew loves designing his own star destroyers as well as making the sets.
Have a happy Star Wars Day and may the Force be with you. Always.
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