I wrote a list of 5 things I wanted on Mother’s Day: So…what do I want for Mother’s Day? .
Did I get my wish?
Well, no actually.
But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing as I had a lovely day.
- First of all I didn’t have a lie in. The clocks changed so I stayed in bed until 7.30 but my body felt it was 6.30. We all got up together, the kids were desperate for me to see the presents and cards. Chris thought they might actually explode with anticipation! They then realised there wasn’t a card from Zach so made their own: Matthew’s had a bottle of wine on the front and Anya’s had maths.
- I didn’t have pizza. I had some leftover rice that needed using up so I had that with some rather unappealing curry from a packet 🙁 I’m saving the pizza until later in the week when I REALLY need a treat.
- No nap. I decided to stop feeding Zach to sleep during his day naps so no nap for me either. I did have the joy of listening to him scream for 45 minutes before getting him out of his cot so we could visit my mum.
- Actually the kids were pretty fab. We had great fun in the garden, we found a frog, we ate the cake that Chris surprised me with. I don’t think I raised my voice once. The only problem was Zach not sleeping 🙁
- No diamond earrings but then I didn’t really want them if you read my post 🙂 Instead I got a Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 3D puzzle, wine, chocolates and a cake with purple icing.
I can’t figure out how to get the photos on here so please check them out on Instagram or Facebook sorry I’m a techno numpty 🙂
My mum got the card I showed you in Let’s DITCH Mother’s Day and some books that she pointed out. We also Skyped my nan to wish her a happy Mother’s Day and let the kids entertain her for a bit 🙂
I hope you all had a lovely day even if it didn’t turn out quite how you imagined!