Blimey it is cold here in the UK at the moment. I am keeping my fingers crossed for some proper snow this week as we haven’t had any decent snow in years and I am insanely jealous of everyone else’s pics over the past 2 months! Below is a photo of the best snow we have had since February 2015!
I am very excited to have been invited to join as a host for 2018. This year we have the extra twist that we want to be more active on social media (see below to get your posts shared on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest).
My favourite post from last week was this one from Mom of Two Little Girls. I am guilty of trying to make sure my children are always entertained so that they avoid the dreaded boredom. But actually, being bored is essential for developing imagination so this weekend I limited screen time and let the children fend for themselves. As you might have seen from #project365 and #mysundayphoto, they rose to the challenge and had fun playing together!
Shank You Very Much loved this post from the Elephant Mum. A thought provoking post about the impact of multiculturalism on family life.
One Messy Mama highlighted this post from Queen of Collage. Zach starts preschool in less than 2 months and I will be using Helena’s ideas to help him learn his colours before he starts.
Bloggers from all around the world are invited to link up their posts: come and join us!
As usual for a linky there are a few rules:
Please add our badge to the HTML / Text portion of your post. Or add a backlink to one of our blogs. If you need any help linking up, tweet one of us (@HeatherKeet, @musingstiredmum, @onemessymama4), we are happy to help!

Comment on one post from each host and then at least the one in front of yours (minimum 4 in total). Please add #globalblogging to any comment so we know you came from here!
You may link up 1 or 2 posts per week between 6am on Monday and 10pm on Tuesday (GMT!). All subjects welcome!
Fancy a retweet? Use our handles and we will retweet you! (@HeatherKeet, @musingstiredmum, @onemessymama4)
Pin to our Pinterest board! #globalblogging
Want an extra like on Insta? Use the hashtag #globalblogging and check out the others as well!
We can share your post on Facebook too! Just mention us on your FB post and we will share it on our pages @loopyloulaura @ShankYouHeather @onemessymama4
I look forward to reading your posts and getting social! Have a great week everyone!
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