Thank you to the wonderful Mummy and Rory for the tag! Take a look over at her post to see what she chose!
My children. Yes, they drive me mad most of the time but there is something adorable about them 🙂
Crisp time. I have done a vlog about things I can’t live without and this is high on the list! A mocha and a packet of crisps with a little sit down to read a chapter of my book. Bliss!
Cheesy pop music. Yes, Chesney Hawkes and Steps, I’m talking about you. Whether it is streamed, on my MP3 player, CD or radio, I love singing along to a cheesy classic!
Internet shopping. I don’t care if it is groceries or clothes, I love it! Hunting for a bargain across websites and getting a teeny sense of achievement, yay!
Sunday night. I climb into bed, We have had a lovely weekend together as a family. The sheets are clean, I’ve bathed and washed my hair. Ahhhhh!
Days out. No matter how far we go, a day out just into town feels like an adventure and makes the weekend more special.
Geekiness. I am an unashamed geek and love sharing my geekiness with Chris and the kids 🙂
Lego. Enough said.
Nail polish on my toes. This is my one feminine thing. I HAVE to have my toe nails painted and looking nice, a different colour every month.
Blogging. This is my chance to be me. Not someone’s mum, just me. A voice that I’m too shy to share in person.
Thank you for reading my 10 things that make me happy. Are any the same as yours? Any a bit weird? 🙂
I tag the following amazing bloggers so I can find out a bit more about them and so can you!
Jaki at
Louise at
Laura at
Catie at
Lisa at