OK so I am not the shortest person I know (hi, little sister!) but a lot of people tower over my 5 foot 1 and three quarters.
Last week on the way to invigilate an exam, I was surrounded by students who were all considerably taller than me and I think they were only about 13! Even at home, the kids are starting to gain on me and judging by the charts my older 2 will be 4-8 inches taller than me!
So what have I learnt about the world from my shorter perspective?
Well, shelves and cupboards are a nightmare.
Being on the Tube with your face in someone’s armpit is not exactly pleasant.
Changing the beds is tough because my arms aren’t long enough to reach the corners of the duvet easily, plus folding the sheets requires standing on the sofa.
I worry about having greasy hair or dandruff as people can easily see the top of my head 🙂
Buying clothes is a pain, especially trousers and I think I have only ever owned one maxi dress in my whole life. Don’t get me started on the search for a wedding dress…
But it isn’t all bad!
Being short means I can buy children’s clothes for myself which can be cheaper. Plus all my clothes still fit me even after more than 20 years!
It is easier to snuggle up in bed as my feet don’t stick out the end, perfect for winter! Also being able to fit my entire body stretched out in the bath, yay! Tough luck Chris!
Leg room when travelling, woohoo!
And speaking of legs, I think mine look fab in a short skirt and heels!
I laugh cavalierly at ‘mind your head’ signs or low hanging branches 🙂
Other people are often really helpful and let me get to the front so I can see properly or kindly reach things down for me (thank you everyone!)
To be perfectly honest, I am completely happy with my height. Yes, occasionally I wish that I could have an extra couple of inches, but most of the time I love my size and best of all I am a perfect fit for Chris!