
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Goodbye 2019 and the whole 2010s decade!

Twenty years ago I was sat at home waiting for the end of the world as we knew it as the Millenium Bug was expected.
Ten years ago I was nearly 20 weeks pregnant. Life doesn’t turn out as we expect. Hopes and fears are often unfounded. Change is scary but necessary.
Today I have three beautiful, clever children, a wonderful husband and a loving home.

I had no idea what the future would hold whereas now I am happy and settled in a way that I didn’t even think possible ten years ago as I lived with my parents, preparing to be a single mum.
So let’s think back over the highs and lows of the last decade, the life changing 2010s (is it twenty tens, twenty teens or other?):
2010 arrival of Matthew, death of Grandad (my dad’s dad)

2011 became an aunt to a nephew but being my sister’s birthing partner was awful as she needed an emergency c-section
2012 arrival of Anya, death of Grandad (my mum’s dad)

2013 became an aunt again but was delayed in meeting my niece as my two had chickenpox
2014 joined a dating website where I met and fell in love with Chris, got a job as an exam invigilator, Matt started infant school


2015 Chris and I moved into our new home days after finding out we were having a baby, another new job as a clerk to school governors
2016 arrival of Zach and another new job as a clerk, started my blog (yay!)

2017 Anya started infant school and Matthew went up to the juniors, ended the year with a proposal (completely unexpected!)

2018 wedding!

2019 went vegan after 19+ years of being vegetarian, my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary, another new job as a clerk, death of Nanny (my mum’s mum)

A lot can happen in a decade! Sadness and grief mingled with joy and celebration. Family has been at the centre of my life during the 2010s and I hope the love will continue to shine for the next 10 years and beyond. The idea of 2030 is completely unimaginable: three teenagers, yikes!!!


  1. You are so right – so many changes in a decade and not all wanted at all. Over the years of blogging it has dawned on me that each one of us has great highs and huge lows. We navigate them as best we can. I am so pleased you have a strong family unit. That counts for so much on the emotional wellbeing front. As for losses, so long as we keep talking and writing about them they still exist and are loved. Great post and you can see how you are a person who always keeps moving forwards #StayClassyMama

  2. It’s so interesting to look back and realise how much we have all achieved in the last decade. The 2010s have been awesome for me – I got married, graduated with my Masters and had my boys so 2020 will have to work very hard to top that! #StayClassyMama

  3. It’s so lovely to look back and see where we were and embrace the highs and remember the lows. I think I was still studying hard to pass nurse exams in 2000 and in 2010 we had a kitten and a new baby…


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