
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Happy anniversary Chris! Amazing things my partner has taught me :)

Three years ago today, Chris and I went on our first date.
It seems like a lifetime ago yet three years is also an incredibly short amount of time. We have certainly packed a lot in but we had already wasted so much of our lives apart that we wanted to get on with it!

Chris has taught me so much and here are a few!
  • Multi-screens
I never saw the point of more than one screen before I met Chris but now I am a complete convert. It is useful for work, blogging, keeping the kids entertained while I work on something else etc etc.


  • Marmite
I had no idea a person could or would put that much Marmite on a piece of toast. It was a shock!
  • Being a parent is in the heart not in the blood

Yes you are looking at a pile of toilet paper. My kids have problems pulling off toilet paper squares so at home we have a pile ready for them. On holiday I forgot. When I went in the bathroom a few hours after arrival (and several toilet visits later), I found Chris had done it.

There are so many other times when Chris has just acted as a dad. He isn’t jealous of the focus I have on the children, he doesn’t begrudge me spending time with them. He throws himself in to our days out and makes them special for us all.
  • Coding
If someone had said 5 years ago that I would run a blog and do (basic!!!) coding then I would simply not have believed it. Yet here I am looking for codes for font colours, no follow links and other stuff that was simply not on my radar and I would have thought was beyond me.
  • Self belief

Chris believes in me and I believe in him. We support each other in everything. We are a team, a couple, parents, lovers, friends. Some days are hard but we have each other and I’m looking forward to growing old together.
Chris, thank you for everything you do for us as a family and me especially.




(I couldn’t choose between Star Wars and Game of Thrones…)


  1. Ah, how lovely. Sadly, Daddy believes he has a lot to teach me, but I can live without his Top Tips pretty happily if I’m honest! Seriously though; the best relationships are where you are constantly learning from each other. xxx

  2. Sarah - Mud, cakes and wine

    Happy anniversary and wow my hubby would be impressed with the code. I have still not got it after 15 years heeheehee #Blogstravaganza

  3. Pingback: Flowers (Blogtober day 6) | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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