
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Mama Be Kind.

Wise words. Simple. True.
Mama Be Kind.
Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.
A message that every mum should take to heart.

Because we are our own worst critics. We compare ourselves to others. Second guess our decisions. Doubt everything. Fear we are not good enough.
I want my children to be kind. I want them to have confidence and be proud of themselves.I want them to be happy. But I don’t often set a good example.

Back in September I met a lovely blogger at Blog On Xmas. Mummy Gummie is someone whose blog I’ve been following so I felt like I knew her quite well despite never actually meeting her in person before! I bravely went over and said ‘hi’…
Mummy Gummie decided to set up Mama Be Kind, a clothing brand with a difference: to inspire women to support each other and be kind to others and ourselves. Ten per cent of profits are donated to postnatal depression charities to promote positive mental health.

I bought two t shirts and will wear them with pride! Be kind. Full stop.
Mama Be Kind had KINDLY offered a prize of one white and pink t shirt to one lucky one of you!


  1. Sometimes we forget our selfworth and to be kind to ourselves. We are so consumed with the idea to take care of our families and others that we forget about ourselves. Love the t-shirts.#globalblogging

  2. What a great idea. I have unfortunately come across several mamas who were not kind – you know the judgy ones. Love the tshirts and the donation idea #globalblogging

  3. Very important message… it’s so important to be kind to ourselves as mums and shoo away that wretched momguilt; and also kind to fellow mums who are going through the same trials and tantrums as we are (or did). Why mom-shame, I never get it!

  4. Pingback: #Project365 week 12 | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  5. This is such a cool idea! I entered and I hope I get a shirt but even if I don’t I will try to buy one because its’ not only a great shirt with a great saying but for a worthy cause! Thanks so much for hosting #GlobalBlogging

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