Back in September when I attended BlogOnXmas, I was chatting to another blogger and she told me of another ‘big’ blogger who plays the follow/unfollow game. I didn’t give it much thought but then today I checked back and indeed, this blogger is not following me on my social media despite both of us having taken part in permanent follow threads from various Facebook groups that we are both in.
I am not angry. I’m just really disappointed.
Most of the bloggers that I have met online and in person have been absolutely lovely. So it leads a sour note that some bloggers choose to play the stats rather than support each other.
I am the first to admit that I am not the most social of people and really need to get interacting more (when I find time!) but I have never actually unfollowed anyone even from my personal life.
I have noticed that my Facebook friends has just dropped below 300 so in the last month I have lost 3 ‘friends’. The sad thing is that I have no idea who they are.
One person who has unfriended me is my ex’s mum, Matthew and Anya’s grandmother.
That hurt.
I found out when I went to wish her a happy birthday last year and saw that we were no longer friends 🙁
I thought Facebook offered her the chance to see what the children were doing as she lives too far to visit. But she chose to unfriend me instead. It happened just after I gave birth to Zach so I don’t know if she was unhappy that I had got on with my life and found happiness with someone else.
So if you want to unfriend someone, if you are a blogger and want to unfollow to play the numbers, please think about the people you may hurt in the process. Be kind.