The weather has been deteriorating again this week but my mood has been quite sunny as I’m finally starting to feel better. My vertigo is improving very slowly and that makes everyone happy 🙂
Day 112: I was so surprised to receive this from one of my jobs to wish me get well soon. Love the bright colours.
Day 113: this balloon is 2 months old! Zach loves it and I think his static hair is very funny!
Day 114: a baking triumph: scotch pancakes. I make normal pancakes but not tried these before as I thought they were tricky but now I know how easy they are to make!
Day 115: this is our second cherry tree: it has blossom so we haven’t killed it like the last one, yay!
Day 116: happy sunny mood and wearing my Mama Be Kind t shirt, ready to face the day with a smile.
Day 117: proud mummy alert! Anya was awarded her smiley face badge and certificate at school.
Day 118: so excited that the children are ready to start their Harry Potter experience! I remember the excitement of waiting at the shop until midnight for the release of the final book. I bought them their own set as I’m a bit protective of my first editions!
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