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#Project365 week 20: a whole week of good weather!

What an amazing week! I have been working every day so am pretty knackered but the sun has kept me going! Plus the royal wedding at the end of the week to look forward to, yay!
Day 133: Chris and I headed out on a date for an early anniversary and birthday meal at Bella Italia. The food was amazing and I love how the gluten free options are included on the menu with no fuss or surcharge. Shame it took them 30 minutes to sort the bill…

Day 134: more bike practice and this time we took Zach’s scuttlebug along too

Day 135: Anya begs me everyday to take her to the playground. I’d had a tough day and been reduced to tears so I decided to spread some smiles instead.

Day 136: Matt and the Cubs were cooking outdoors this week. He spilt VERY hot hot chocolate down himself but got extra marshmallows because he was one of only 2 children who said thank you.

Day 137: I was all set to relax in the garden after work but this cheeky monkey stole my mat!

Day 138: the toilet roll tower had reached the top so I guess it’s time to throw away (actually Chris did it while I was putting the camera away!)

Day 139: the wedding of the year! Oh wait, ours is in less than 3 months… My wedding watching was interrupted by a dirty nappy, a toilet roll being dropped in the toilet, a scab being knocked off and obligatory nail varnish application. Plus Anya is devastated to discover I’m not having a veil, train or horse-drawn carriage. Oh dear…

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  1. Happy Anniversary & birthday!
    Lovely photos! The weather has been fabulous hasn’t it….
    My youngest said to me today that she wants to go in the horse-drawn carriage when my fella and I get married. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that would never happen. The carriage not the wedding. lol

  2. No horse-drawn carriage?! How remiss of you. 🙂 You still have time to sort it out. I totally missed the wedding last Saturday and went to the food festival instead. Lovely photo in the playground. The toilet roll tower made me smile.

  3. Pingback: #Project365 week 22 half term and birthday fun! | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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